Before You Start

Gather Information

You need to have the following information on hand to complete your account setup:

       Information on each location of your company (the first location entered will be considered Headquarters)

       Tax ID Number (this can also be your SSN if you are an individual)

       Legal Business Name

       Contact Information (name, address, email, phone and fax) for the following:

       Account Administrator



       Descriptions of your products and services (for example, commodity codes)

Click here for a list of Commodity Codes for Products and Services.

Click here for a list of Commodity Codes for Professional Services.

After you have submitted your registration online, remember to submit a substitute W9 certification form, using the "W-9" link on the activation/registration pages. This will provide a form that is pre-filled with your account information. You also need to submit additional documentation to satisfy security requirements. Click here for details about the required documentation.